Thursday, September 01, 2005


I just found out about the seriousness of the situation in Louisiana. As I write this CNN is on the TV. I fought the urge all day to record something here in these pages. The situation there continues to get worse and anything I write here has no impact on that (whether anyone reads this or not). This disaster is too current, too ongoing, for meaningful analysis. Not that I'd have an answer or have something constructive or wise to say. A record of my feelings on a tragedy in a city over a thousand miles away in which I have no relatives or close friends would seem trite compared to the pain felt by the relatives of the corpses displayed by this evenings news coverage. Earlier today I had a great time with my son, John. We had a good time at the mall. We had a good gymboree class. We enjoyed the beach. John now likes to play in the sand. We were NOT shot at by snipers. We did NOT have to forage through garbage for food. I changed six diapers today. I had the diapers. John had 32 oz. of milk today. I had milk to give him. We chose to get wet at the beach today. We were able to get clean and dry. John is now sleeping, out of my sight, warm, dry and comfortable, not hungry. I am not worried someone will drag him into a dark corner of the Superdome. I sent many prayers today for those who did not have a day as John and I; prayers of petition. As much as I feel guilty to admit it, I've had some prayers of thanks for being spared having to face circumstance and make decisions as those who are still facing this catastrophe.

All I have to add tonight is a picture...


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