Thursday, November 30, 2006

Mark The Date 11/27/06

It finally happened! Lil'daddy has learned that he can climb out of his crib! I put him down for a nap, then heard Dadoom..., dat dat dat dat. I heard his feet land on the floor and as I hurried down the hallway to meet him, I heard his footsteps nearing the door. As I waited for him to open it, he stopped. We both waited on either side of the door in silence, making me think that he realized he shouldn't have climbed out. I reached for the door and as I turned, I felt his hand go for the knob. I don't know if he was more surprised that he was about to get out of his room or that I was waiting for him on the other side of the door. I scooped him up and gave him a quick once over as I brought him back to his crib. I took his pillows out, put them on the floor in front, told him not to climb out again and left the room. After a minute of crying I came in just to make sure I didn't miss any hidden bumps. I told him that I didn't want him to hurt himself by climbing out again and that I would be right in the next room while he napped. It's been a few minutes and he's seemed to have fallen asleep. Whew! I guess we're converting the crib to a toddler bed this afternoon! Tonight's bedtime should be fun!

Frankly I'm surprised it took this long for him to climb out - being the uber-climber that he is. Watching his climbing skill progression, I'm not surprised that he landed on his feet, but saying that I'm relieved he didn't land on his head is an understatement! ...I'm so relieved he didn't hurt himself.

Update: Thursday 11/30
We converted lil'daddy's crib to a toddler bed (3 sided crib with a low front) on Tuesday. All naps and bedtimes have been relatively uneventful so far. I thought for sure he'd try to come out of his room as soon as we put him down! He seems to like his big boy bed, and likes climbing in and out, but the bed looks funny to me with the new lower front. He's been sleeping in the crib the way it was since we took him home from the hospital! He's such a good big boy (but he's still my lil'daddy).


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