Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Surrender and Resonate

Part 2: Resonate

It’s one thing to see, hear, smell or be touched by the Presence and it’s completely another to understand and interpret it. I’ve been getting a feeling that there is something inside of us, or rather a part of us, that picks up certain experiences and highlights or earmarks them for later thought. Like finding a puzzle piece, recognizing it for one and storing it for later. Sometimes I don't know I've collected a puzzle piece until an adjacent piece is collected. It seems this process is embedded from the ‘factory’ in our programming and is running regardless of our awareness. While I hate to call it programming, in this day and age that seems fitting. The point is that our programming stores these experiences and when we have a new one, it resonates and in turn resonates the stored ones. The fresh experience resonates with something inside. The new and the old resonate together and in that connection the Presence can be felt. I am definitely not saying that I've solved any puzzle of life or that I've even got a portion of it down! Lord knows that's not the case. I'm only saying that at times it seems like I'm given a glimpse of something that gives me some direction.

Resonating is far more accurate than the idea of interlocking puzzle peices. When rational rushes in and the two pieces are observed, they don't appear to be a fit and yet they are connected. The two experiences seem unrelated yet they resonate together and call attention to themselves. This makes perfect sense to me as I write this and yet by trying to record the experience with words and analogy, I know that I’ve tainted the record and confined the experience by the words I’ve used. Coming back to read this, or if someone else reads this, I don’t know if it would make sense. (What in the world is this guy talking about?) This is why I've said that I can “feel” it (God’s will) but don’t really see or hear it clearly. I can feel this resonance. Understanding in most senses of the word would require interpretation and analyzing (as I am so apt to dive into), but doing so reduces the experience and changes it. So I digress... I try to record my thoughts as they come into my mind, “floating by”, without tainting it with rationalization (I’ll end up doing that later whether I like it or not). Within these thoughts “floating by” I find some that seem as though they wouldn’t come from my own cognitive process. They are very subtle and they seem to be the ones that have this special resonance. I was in the shower pondering this!

I was reminded of something I read or saw in a TV program that spoke of picking up things through the static (of the mind) and listening for things at or just above the noise floor. This is what I got: “Gentle Breeze resonate through the static” and I added, “may Your note resonate in a string deep inside of me, and others, so that a chord is struck and a song is lifted back to You. Amen.”


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