Sunday, February 12, 2006

White liiiiiiiiines, going through my heeaadd! (pics)

A few lil'daddy pics...

And a few of bigdaddy...

CB said her and 95% of Americans will wonder what the cocaine reference in the title has to do with the post. While that may have been the original reference for the Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five hit from the 80's. My reference is to the tracks left by a skier!

'White Lines' plays through my head when it snows or I'm thinking about skiing. My line is my self-expression. An artist may use a brush and paint. I'll use my skis. I can vary the pressure on the ski edge and leave heavy or light lines in lazy curving S turns or I can leave a sharp edged fast track down the fall line. It certainly not coke but it's a white powder with a sweet seduction that whispers through the wind and calls out to me if it's been too long. It's been too long. :)


Blogger Kellee said...

LOL at the title of this entry. Takes me back...

Such cute pics! You've got an adorable little guy on your hands!

11:16 PM  
Blogger Big_Daddy said...

I think Counting Blessings thought the title made me appear to be a junkie! After the explanation, I think she thinks I made it worse!

I was supprised that he liked the snow this time! The past couple days, it's been getting warmer (relatively) and more sunny. We've been enjoying the snow in small bits at a time. I think that has something to do with it.

10:16 AM  
Blogger Kellee said...

LOL! I thought the same thing when I put, "takes me back" on my comment. I just mean the SONG takes me back, not the subject matter! LOL!

Continue to enjoy that snow. It was 80 here today & my kids had on shorts!!!

11:06 PM  

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