Monday, December 17, 2007

More Sono Picts (finally)!

I finally scanned them. They should just give you your sonogram pictures digitally at this point! In fact, they should give you some video as well! We had a detailed sonogram this time so we got to watch our boy twist and turn all around for at least half an hour.

The last set of pictures were profiles, 'George Washington shots'. The tell tale shot for determining sex, I call the 'Tidy-bowl shot'. (Imagine a shot looking up from inside a toilet bowl) I, as the technician was getting in place for the tidy bowl shot, picked out gender immediately. The technician seemed impressed while I, on the other hand, couldn't figure how anyone could miss the cushy tushie, chubby legs and well, er..., other largely disproportionate body parts!? (Healthy, normal but seemingly disproportionate. not in a bad way!)

The following sono shots I have termed the 'Alien shots'. They're straight-on shots with the baby looking directly at you. Of course, if I were a technician I could never infer that someone's baby looked like an alien. I think daddies have that privilege!


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