Monday, October 03, 2005

Which Saint are You?

Nothing like a little quiz to liven up a Monday!

I spotted this on Dylan's Lectionary Blog, in her Grace Notes section. My disclaimer that I didn't read any further into the quiz site, its origins, other quizzes, etc....

Which Saint are You?

Interesting results, but you know what, they ring a bit true!! I'll have to read up on Julian of Norwich now...

My results:
You are Julian of Norwich! It's all about God, to you. You're convinced that the world has a
happy ending. Everyone else is convinced that you're a closet hippie, but you love them

Speaking of the Communion on Saints ~~~ Matt Maher's "Litany" is a beautiful rendition...

~~ Blessings all around ~~


Blogger Mater said...

"Interesting results, but you know what, they ring a bit true!!" Indeed!

My result:
"You are Augustine! You are a great thinker, but be careful not to let your past immoderation freak you out about good times. It's really ok to take some pleasure in material things."

[Blogger wouldn't let me post the code]

4:17 PM  
Blogger Counting_Blessings said...

Matter - take pleasure in material things... like Charlie's soap?

6:27 PM  
Blogger Mater said...

Ha! Yes.

10:26 PM  
Blogger Counting_Blessings said...

Mater --LOL !!

and, my regrets for spelling your name incorrectly..

10:54 PM  
Blogger Big_Daddy said...

counting - interesting I got the same as you? hmmm. Ill have to read up on her later as well?

12:31 AM  
Blogger Kristen Gill, Marketing Manager said...

That's the most beautiful song. I love it. Thank you.

9:08 PM  

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