Thursday, May 04, 2006

Super Yummy! (with pics & video)

I thought I'd have to add some pics of Johnny pizza-boy in action.
At our local pizza place lil'daddy calls the owner "joey pizza-man". Lil'daddy announces in the car yesterday morning that he wanted pizza for dinner, so I asked if he wanted to see joey pizza-man. He said, 'no' and when I countered 'but joey pizza-man makes the pizza' lil'daddy says 'NO, John do!' When I asked what he wanted on it he said zucchini and olives. So John did make pizza! - with garlic, oil, zucchini, squash, olives, portabello mushrooms and shredded mozzarella cheese...


yummy olives...


Here are some links to vids (.mov files)
Pizza 1
Pizza 2
Pizza 3

(we did!)


Blogger Mater said...

Awesome. I love the face he makes at the end of pizza-3!

1:26 PM  
Blogger Kellee said...

Thank you for making me smile. wow! I thought that kid was cute in "person" he's even better.

My fave is those big eyes when he's done saying, "Wow! That's ahhh lot".

So precious!

10:51 PM  

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