Thursday, June 15, 2006

Peanut Butter

Peanut, peanut butter....

Do you know that song? We sing it from time to time with John, how you crush, then spread, then eat the PB.

I happen to love anything that contains yummy PB. I try to restrain, but an occasional PB&J, or some ice cream with Reese's, etc, etc. I think John inherited my love of peanut butter, but perhaps it's just inherit to toddler-kind.

We've taken to saying that when Big Daddy, John and I are in a group hug, that we are bread and John is the peanut butter. At night, we all gather on the big bed (our bed) for prayers and snuggles before John goes to his crib. I'll lay on my side of the bed and say "Mommy's Bread". Big Daddy lays on his side and says "Daddy's Bread". I'll declare John to be peanut butter and he climbs right up between us to make a sandwich. Of course, he then wants to be "bread" because that's what Mommy and Daddy are.

So, I end up as Jelly.

First you take the peanuts and you crush them, you crush them


Blogger Kellee said...

We sing that song ALL the time! We're PB freaks over here as well.

After every dr. appt. while I was pg with Garrett I would stop off at Marble Slab for some creamy vanilla with crushed up Reese's in it. I also had to have a DQ Reese's Blizzard almost every Friday. No wonder the kid love PB (oh & chocolate).

We also do sandwich hugs but never assign anyone a particular piece of the sandwich. May have to try that sometime. Sounds like fun!

1:11 AM  
Blogger Kristen Gill, Marketing Manager said...

That is such a cute story!! I love it! You are very imaginative parents and seems like you are making a wonderful life for little john...AND I adore peanut butter too! I'm with you on that!

9:24 PM  

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